Any new orders will be fulfilled after January 15th. Please email if you have any queries. Happy New Year! X

March 2021

  Spring has sprung! I hope that you have been enjoying these last few beautiful sunny days wherever you are. On my daily walks it has been wonderful to see the Daffodil and Crocus peeping through and displaying their bright colours. This month we see; 8th...

February 2021

  Hello and welcome to 2021! Welcome back to the Park Road newsletter, I hope you are doing ok? As you may have noticed, this is my first newsletter of the year, and it is in February! (Apologies for that!) January felt like 10 years long, but also completely...

November in the workshop

Good morning all, and welcome to the November edition of the newsletter! I am going to start by stating the obvious – I hope you are all ok? Wherever in the world you are reading this and whatever ‘Tier’ of Lockdown you are in, I am still here for...

Workshop on the move!

Good afternoon all and welcome to the October edition of the Spotlight! I hope you are doing well and enjoying the arrival of Autumn. This past month, well actually few months, have been just chaotic in the Park Road Jewellery camp. We have been trying to sell our...

September Spotlight

Hello everyone & welcome to the September Spotlight. September has somehow arrived already! The leaves are starting to gain the gorgeous autumnal colours and the sun is gracing us with some low golden evening light. Although I am sad to loose that wonderful 28°...

August News

Hi Everyone! Can you believe it is the August edition of the spotlight? How is it August already? A warm welcome to all new followers that have recently started reading and to my continued readers. As life is returning to some sense of normality, I hope that you have...